Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why the heck do I have one of these???

Oh yes I remember because I wanted to keep in touch with the world, but have I? No! Man I a lame I guess. To bad I doesn't bother me that much. As you can see all the remorse I am feeling for it. Anywho let's see where am I? I am back I Thatcher going to school and having a pretty darn good time except for being one of the older ones now. I guess that is what you get for not finishing, leavin, and then coming back. I am keepin myself pretty pretty busy with all that I am doing especially in the music department. I just love being in Choirs galore here. Mar and I are in Company and the Quartet together. Suprisingly we haven't ripped each others heads off. haha just kidding we get along just great here at school. :D This week is fall sing and I am way excited to perform! Hide and seek is kickin our butts but it will be worth it. If you can I would come on Thursday, Friday or Saturday to see Fall Sing cause it's gunna rock! Love it!

Oh yeah I just got back this past weekend from a little trip to Florida to work for a few days. I just love that place. Disney just has a special place in my heart. I loved seeing everyone that is still there and seeing all the reactions of suprise when they saw me. A few of my closer photopass friends nearly flipped when they saw me. I just loved it. I just love the Halloween season over there. The decorations, the music, the special Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Parties are jsut so fun! I got to go last year and again this year and just had so much fun with my friends and all the halloween fun that goes on there. But now back to real life at school, I got to run away to fantasy land for a little bit. I also got to see my new nephew before I left for Florida, Treyson is just so cute! I got to see all three of my nieces and nephew that night. I just love life! :D

Friday, August 14, 2009

Get up you lazy bum!!!

So I am done with all of my summer activities and I have become somewhat lazy!! Laziness and I have a love hate relationship.... meaning I love being lazy at times but hate the feeling of being lazy too long! Especially after working EFY I hate feeling useless, cause we were working or moving like all the time. But hey it's life I guess, my six weeks of EFY this summer were basically amazing with few times where I didn't like it. I met so many wonderful people, saw tons of my old peeps and loved it! But yeah with the constant movement there and then comin home to kind of relax is a slightly wierd feeling! I ate too much cafeteria and junk food this summer with all of my youth and now is the time to get up off my lazy bum and get active again and have a slightly more normal schedule at school. Where am I going to school you may ask.... well duh I am heading back to T-town and going to EAC! I know I know, "you already spent 2 years there!" Welp I am not quite done there and I still need to figure out what I want to do so I will return to EAC for another year finish up there and decide what to do next! Plus I really miss singin so what the hey why not go back!! :D Thatcher has a special place in my heart!!

P.S. I really really miss Disney and all my Disney Peeps! (you know who you all are!!)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life is Good!

Ok so really I am horrible at this thing! I am such a forgetful person sometimes.... I am gunna still try and be better! Here goes....

So I have been home from Florida for a good chunk of time now, since May 25th to be exact, and I have really missed it alot! I am sure that I wouldn't last there right now cause of the humidity, so I am grateful to be here in Arizona! I have kept myself very busy this summer with another round of EFY and I have loved every bit of it. Before I left for my first four weeks of EFY my Dad informed me that I was going to a grand opening party at Toby Keith's new resturant and was going to a meet and greet with Toby so I was like OK why not!! :D So I got to go meet Toby Keith, it was cool and all but I would rather meet other peeps, but hey I will take any famous people to meet! ;)

Then I headed off to Ephraim Utah for a week and it was a tiny session of 80 youth and I had all of the younger ones under my watch that week. Itwas so different to have such a small group for a session but it ended up so amazing. Then it was off to Flagstaff for 2 weeks for much bigger sessions. I missed a family reunion in Utah but my fam came and stopped by on their way up to say HI!! I loved seeing them. Yet again I was with the 14-15 year olds and I was ready for some older ones but those didn't come until I went to Thatcher that next week. Finally when the Thatcher session came I got to have the older chillens, yay for 16-18 year olds!! For some reason I just can reach them more, but whatever works! I just love working EFY! I have two more weeks in Vegas starting next week yeah baby!!

Thatcher ended on the 4th of July so I drove home to go to the Riding family swim and BBQ. I feel like I had not been to a family function in like forever... oh wait that is because I haven't (that's what you get when you move awat for a while:D)!! Anywho it was great spendin time with the fam eatin good food and getting in the water. Oh I love Swimming!! It really has been great being here at home with the family. I get to see my beautiful nieces alot and I just love it! Abby is just geting so big and i just love holding her and playing with her! Cali is just as fun as ever just coming over and spending the day with me at my house! Love em both so much! I like being lazy sometimes too! :D
Ok well this has been long so I will cut it off here and write some more later and catch you all up later and put some pics up here too! peacfe out boy scouts!! :D

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am CP No More!!! Hahaha!!

I made it to the end! I am no longer a Disney CP, I am now a Seasonal Disney World Cast Member! Yahoo! It's so weird to to think that my program is now over! I don't think I can fathom it! Arizona I will be home soon!
So Tiauna left last Saturday so I have been living all alone the last few days and I am not a fan of living alone, so I know I can ever really live alone! I miss my Ducky!! We had some good times and had fun partying her last few days. Last night we went to the Hoop De Do Revue at Fort Wilderness and it was so Hilarious!!! I seriously think they had to roll us out of there cause we ate tons of food!
Today was my last day workin as a CP and it was a marvelous day! I worked inside all day, which was good and bad. Good cause it rained and bad cause I never touched a camera, but I still had tons of Fun! It was also really really good cause randomly today one of my managers came up to me and was like "Congrats you have been chosen as April's Photographer of the month" and I was like "WHAT!?!? You have got to be kidding!!" So they took a picture, gave me a certificate and now some of the pics I took are hanging on the wall with a pic of me saying that I am the winner!! So apparently I am still doing something right! Yay!!!
Life is Great!!! Sorry to cut it short but more will come..... I have to go finish packing!! Love ya!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

yikes.. one month left!!!!

So I have like less then a month here and I still have so much I want to do!! Sorry I like never get on here. I Loved having my family here a few weeks back and I will blog about those adventures as soon as Wendi lets me steal the pics off her computer! But on with life.... I am loving it here but am still pretty frustrated cause I don't know what I am doing this summer cause nobody has decided to be on time with their emails and junk so my summer is still up in the air and I am not a fan of that!! I haven't had my entertainment class the past two Tuesdays due to spring break and that has been killer just cause I miss those fun times and the peeps who are in the crazy class with me! So I am excited to go back tomorrow and see everyone! I am also way excited for tomorrow because of girls night at the Grand!!! Yay Partay!!!

Ok so I love my job right! I had some exciting times at work last week cause I found out that two of my pics from the last two weeks were pics of the week one posted on the wall and then another one in a PASS book that has to do with character meet and greets! The book apparently is made up of pics from both Disneyland and World and one of my Donald shots was chosen!! Yay!! So apparently I am doing things right here in the photography world!! Love It!!! Oh and I finally got to go back into the Princess room in Toon town and got to work with Belle and Sleeping Beauty! It is so much fun back there.... usually I stay in the front of the park and play with the characters up there and take pics of the beautiful castle! I am going to work back there more before I leave and if I am lucky enough I will get to work with the fairies too! Oh yay for Disney fun!

Oh and Church yesterday was an adventure too... let's just say I miss having a real piano at my finger tips! Man! Ok so my friend Brittany asked my at the dance on Friday night if i could play the piano for her on Sunday and I was like sure we just needed to get to church early so we could run through the song a few times. Everything was going great that morning, the keyboard at first wasn't reacting to the petal like it should but then we fix that and all was fine and the page turn wasn't and issue either. So then we get up to perform and we start off great you know.... and then the page turn happens....dun du dun.... and the book falls and hits a button and a demo starts playing and I am like oh no!!! I am frantically trying to find which button to turn it off and I hit a few and finally found it what seemed like a min was only like 3 seconds but Brittney was trying not to laugh as we continue through Where Can I Turn For Peace and I was so embarrassed! I could see giggles coming from some people in the congregation. Oh man it was a glorious yet very embarrassing moment for me and Brittany! I am not quite sure what I think of it yet but what the hay, it don't matter life is something to laugh through so yeah! We all were laughing the rest oh the time at church about it, so i am glad we could bring joy to the faces of those at church! You know you all loved it! And if you weren't there you missed out!
Well I have more stories but they will have to come later!! Peace out my friends!! oh and pics are coming soon too!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

dreams coming true everyday.... :D

Hello people of the world it's me Tiffany.... I know I totally suck at this whole blogging thing cause I have the worst memory and keep forgetting to update this thing. Sorry! Oh and forgive me this is a bit long! Ok so onward with my life. My little sister came to visit a few weeks ago and it was pretty amazing! We hit all four parks in her three days here and it was glorious. Marilee is pretty darn amazing I just love my little sister she has alot going for her and I am proud to be her older sister! We went and had breakfast at the Grand with Wendi, Tiauna, Mar and myself... haha it was one of the most funniest meals I have ever had, you just gotta love the Mad Hatter. If you ever have the chance to meet him DO IT!!! He is freaking Hilarious!!!! So yes Mar's visit was quite fun and I miss her so! But Cali, Andy, and Chelsey are comin on Wednesday and I am so so so EXCITED! Can't wait to see my niece! It's gunna be glorious!

So I am taking this entertainment professional development class this semester and it is so fan-freaking-tastic. Learning how Disney develops shows and how they go about getting the shows up and running. Every week we have different presenters come in to class and explain their part in the show process. There is this one technical director who has come a few times and his name is Flounder, yes that is what his nametag says Flounder! Ok so in our last class in the classroom(cause this week's class was a trip to a stage, later story) he ended with giving us all tickets to House of Blues for a concert that his band that he plays in. So I was like ok free tickets to a rock concert yeah!! not my everyday listening preference but hey let's live a little. So Tiauna, myself and Alexis my friend from class went and it was really good music, just too loud for my little ears to handle all the time! We were definetly different then all the people who were there and we kept laughing at ourselves through the whole thing! We foud him afterwards and thanked him and as were fightin through the crowd to find him we saw a few things we didn't want to see! AHHH! Then we went and bought TWILIGHT and went home and watched it! YAY!! Love it! Oh and earlier that week we went to watch a movie on the beach for st. patty's day and it became our new hobbie so we went again on Thursday to the Comtemporary and watched HSM3 and made s'mores with more peeps and then went to TGIFridays and had some funtimes! Then went to the dance and danced our hearts out, I miss the dances at our stake center, then it was off to IHOP and partook of the glorious butterscotch pancakes! Thanks friends for makin it fun!

Ok so back to my awesome class that I am takin! So Tuesday was our trip to the Fantasmic stage to take a tour of the whole theater! It was amazing! If you haven't seen the show yet you are missing out! Ok so we toured the booth and then went on the stage, the boat, the basement and saw all the lifts and Vivian(the dragon) and learned all about the show and little secrets here and there! I was in heaven the whole time! I just loved it! So our tour group took longer the all the and as we were talkin at the end with Doiug our guide he was telling us how they do test runs of the show everyday and have to have people ride the lifts just to make sure everything is running right and someone asked if we could ride the lifts and he was like yeah sure it just means their people didn't have to do it. So he said decide who gets to ride and come back at 5 for our test run and we were like yeah!! So half of us didn't want to ride so they wen't to the booth and the other half of us went backstage to ride the lifts for the test run. I was so so excited cause my favorite villian Malificent is in the show and has a huge lift that brings her up as she is turning into the dragon and guess what.... I got to ride her lift during and I was like yes yes and yes!! This is the closest I will get to playing her and it was AMAZING!!!! We were all like little children in a candy store just to excited to stand still!! the five of us had so much fun watching each other being "part of the show" with the Mickey lifts and the couldron! I was so high, but it was too windy so I didn't go all the way up but hey it was still totally awesome!! I love my life here at Disney!! My job rocks too!! Love takin pics of the caslte and the caracters!! Oh and Wednesday night our group of peeps went back and watched Fantasmic and was so excited to know more and watch with a different eye this time!! I know I lead a tough life right? haha Jk! :D
Stay tuned I am going to try and get better at this blogging thing!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kim says I don't blog enough so......

Well apparently I don't get on here enough and Kimberly keeps bugging me about it so here it goes, just for you sister......

So life here in Florida has been really fun and exciting! Photopass is simply amazing and am loving almost every moment of it! I am now character trained so I get to take pictures of the characters too! So far I have worked with Pinocchio, Perla and Maleficent...yeah thats right Maleficent, it was so cool and I was like oh my goodness you rock my socks!! I love my job, I get to work with little children and families who are so happy to be here and seeing the castle for the first time oh man it's amazing! Oh and I watch parades and firworks who wouldn't wouldn't love my job! Anywho Tiauna and I are pretty crazy and have had some awesome adventures and Wendi too, we like to goto the movies at least once a week or at least try too. I got to go to the temple a few weeks back and it was beautiful! It had been awhile since I head been and it was greatly needed and apprecitiated! I started my new entertainment class last week and so far its so cool, I will be learning some secrets on disney shows!! Yeah baby!
Marilee is coming this week and we are gunna have a blast with her... and Andy Chelsey and Cali are coming in a month and I am supper super excited for them to come!!!! If only Abby was old enough to come so Kim and John could come too.... Someday!!

Well here are some pics from some adventures...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh YAY!! Finally behind a camera!!

So today was my first day of photo pass training and I absolutely loved it!! Seriously I have been waiting for like EVER to start it since I found out that I transferring from lifeguarding!! I took my tour of Magic Kingdom yesterday and it was fun just seeing the park before hours and when it opens and then meet a bunch of my DPI people! I started training at Hollywood Studios, cause apparently all photo pass training starts there, who would of thought that! Anyway I love it so far and can't wait to learn more and start taking pictures for real!! :D

My roomie is basically awesome!! Me and Tiauna have so much being pretty random!! Our apartment is slowly gettin some life onthe walls... hehe we have themed rooms... pictures will come later! We miss having a TV( might get a cheap one soon. we shall see), but we love to watch movies on our laptops! We just move our beds to where we can see it in our room. I am pretty sure it looks funny when it happens but we love it anyways!! It is going to be a great semester! Oh and I love having my sister here too! She has already done alot for me!! Thanks Sis!! Yay baby Abby is 5 lbs now!! I wish I could be there when she comes home and I want to hold here so bad! I can't wait to she her and Cali in May!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Finally Bloggin....

I guess that now should join the rest of the world and start a blog and tell of all my many adventures in life!!

So here we go..
I am now back in Orlando workin for the mouse, yes I do work at Disney World and am loving it so far!! I am here on the college program. I was originally here for the fall semester as a lifeguard and liked it so much I wanted to stay after I got offered an extension as a Photo Pass Photographer! So next week I start all of my training for that! YAY!! Wendi, my sister, came back this semester too and is doing a professional internship with Disney so i have may sister out here so I won't get lonely. :D